Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Top Ten Decking Mistakes

I'm not sure I can come up with 10 right off the top of my head, but #1 has to be burying the bottom half of your joists in the ground. I don't care what they're made of, there just isn't a construction material that can be used in this way. The joists will walk and the deck will twist. The second best mistake might be installing your decking over the existing decking. That will create a moisture sandwich.
A third most popular mistake is to use the brand new expensive deck as a platform for accessing roofing work. I just don't think there's anything that will remove roofing tar. If there was, I don't think you could sell roofing tar.

In Which I Hope to Say Something Useful About Decks

the type they put on houses, not the type that plays tapes. And not the type of deck that is a cool thing to call a skateboard. I mean that part of your house that's outside but's still part of your house, going outside while staying home.